Saturday, January 11, 2020

Film Review: Little Women

I walked in cold; I had never read the book, nor seen any of the semi-annually made remakes. And granted I should have expected a film entitled "Little Women" to be on the girly side .. but.. this was really really girly.

Would it have killed them to throw a bone to the men in the audience by including a car chase or an Infinity Gauntlet?

As it is it's the most beautifully filmed episode of "The Waltons" ever. Not that that's a bad thing.

Director Greta Gerwig shakes things up by bouncing back and forth in time, and the highlight is her meta ending in which she makes fun of a typical Hollywood ending while still using it. She has it both ways and it's pretty clever.

Beautiful cinematography, great acting, Meryl Streep! It's going to win a ton of Oscars, but when you boil it all down, it's a movie for girls.

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