Saturday, December 19, 2020

Mandalorian Season 2 finale. Spoilers galore, stop now!

In 1977, when the paperback novelization of "Star Wars" came out, the subtitle wasn't "A New Hope." The subtitle was "From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker."

Let's think about that. Maybe it was Georgie Lucas' idea , maybe it was from the publisher, but at some point in time, the focus point of the Star Wars universe wasn't the dysfunctional Skywalker family, it was Luke! Further adventures were perhaps planned. Luke heading off to different galaxies to face different (non-Empire) bad guys each film. It wasn't going to be all about Anakin Skywalker, the Empire and an ever growing collection of characters.

Imagine a series of films where Darth Vader doesn't even show up! Imagine "Star Wars II" where Luke leaves Han and Leia to roam the galaxy dispensing justice with his badass light saber, like some intergalactic Clint Eastwood. Each film a new adventure!

That didn't happen.

I loved "Empire Strikes Back," but I sheltered a little disappointment in the back of my mind, especially as all the prequels and sequels never got away from the Skywalker family's problems.

Luke as a standalone badass would never happen ...

Until the second season finale of "The Mandalorian." 

Finally, the promise made in 1977 is fulfilled, we finally get to see Luke be a real Jedi Knight, kicking asses and taking names.

Overdue, but it makes up for his crappy treatment in the last few Star Wars films.

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